
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Body Talk


Today Thursday • June 19, 2008


BY Dr Bill Maier


Do you ever wonder why people run the other way when you walk into a room?


Maybe it’s your body language!


Sometimes we say more by the way we carry ourselves than we realise.


It’s easy to send mixed signals without even being aware of it.


If you feel that people could be put off by your body language, try these simple steps.

·          Smile when greeting someone. A warm smile is a huge welcome sign.

·          Lean toward your friends when they’re talking. This lets them know that you care about what they’re saying and that you’re engaged in the conversation.

·          Don’t cross your arms or clasp your hands. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when relating to others. A locked posture says you’re bored or uninterested.

·          Make eye contact. Glancing around the room is a sure sign that you’d rather be someplace else and nobody wants to think they’re holding you hostage.

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